Book Club Series
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Guest Pricing
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Program Information

Book Club Series


Join us at the Mandel JCC for Book Club. Each Book Club event features a virtual appearance by author!





  • December 3 -  "Threadbare" by Jane Loeb Rubin


With an exten­sive health­care back­ground and a pas­sion for med­ical, women’s, and Jew­ish immi­grant his­to­ry, Ms. Rubin began writ­ing in 2009 after a seri­ous can­cer diag­no­sis. She now has a four-book deal with Lev­el Best Books (Thread­bare, In the Hands of Women-2023, and Over There-2025), fol­low­ing the fic­tion­al life of her great-grandmother’s family.



  • January 7- "Vision" by David Tatel


With an exten­sive health­care back­ground and a pas­sion for med­ical, women’s, and Jew­ish immi­grant his­to­ry, Ms. Rubin began writ­ing in 2009 after a seri­ous can­cer diag­no­sis. She now has a four-book deal with Lev­el Best Books (Thread­bare, In the Hands of Women-2023, and Over There-2025), fol­low­ing the fic­tion­al life of her great-grandmother’s family. Judge David Tatel served on the Unit­ed States Court of Appeals for the Dis­trict of Colum­bia Cir­cuit from 1994 to 2023. His pre­vi­ous three-decade career as a civ­il rights lawyer includ­ed pri­vate and gov­ern­ment posi­tions, focus­ing heav­i­ly on equal edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ty and access to jus­tice. Judge Tatel and his wife, Edie, have four chil­dren and eight grand­chil­dren. They live in Vir­ginia and Wash­ing­ton, D.C.


  • February 4 - "Family Family" by Laurie Frankel


Lau­rie Frankel is The New York Times best­selling, award-win­ning author of nov­els such as The Atlas of Love, Good­bye for Now, and the Reese’s Book Club x Hel­lo Sun­shine Book Pick This Is How It Always Is. Frankel lives in Seat­tle, Wash­ing­ton, with her hus­band, daugh­ter, and bor­der col­lie. She makes good soup.


  • March 4 - "On Her Own" by Lihi Lapid


Lihi Lapid is a best­selling Israeli author, pho­to­jour­nal­ist, colum­nist, and actor. This is her third nov­el. She lives in Tel Aviv with her hus­band Yair Lapid, the for­mer Prime Min­is­ter of Israel, and their two children.


Meets Tuesday from 10:30am to 11:30am December 03, 2024 - March 04, 2025
Mandel JCC, Palm Beach Gardens 5221 Hood Rd Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418-8924

For More Information:

Jodi Cutler
561-712-5204 EXT 3304